michelle j

Michelle J.

Jan 5, 2024

My Essure reversal was in May 2022 after having it for over 9 years. The establishment and staff was so amazing! They made the process so incredibly easy. Considering my youngest at this time was 10yrs old there would be quite the gap in age but they reassured me that even with my age it wasn’t impossible and should still have just as much luck as anyone else. Within a couple months after the procedure I got pregnant, however that ended in a miscarriage. At absolutely no fault of the surgery itself, and the staff and Dr still reached out to me to ensure I was doing okay and encouraged me to keep trying as time allowed. Thankfully a few short months after that, I found out I was pregnant once again. This pregnancy was a success and I carried our baby full term born Nov 2023, she is so amazing and I am forever grateful to the Dr and staff for making this possible again when I thought for sure it would never be!!!