Tubal Ligation Reversal

A tubal ligation reversal is an operation to permit someone who has had a tubal ligation to try to get pregnant again. Lakeshore Tubal Reversal Center has performed thousands of tubal reversals and treats women from all over the world. The tubal reversal surgery consists of two parts; how you get into the pelvis to the tubes and what you do once you are in there to restore the patient’s fertility.

How Tubal Reversal Surgery Works

Part One

To minimize post-op discomfort and to speed up recovery, we perform your tubal reversal through a small incision, usually about 4 inches long, right above the pubic hairline. Normally in surgery, mechanical retractors are used to hold the skin apart. These retractors are not used in mini-laparotomies and this reduces post-op pain dramatically.

The idea is to gently move the skin over the tube being worked on rather than opening a wide incision that exposes both tubes at once. Our doctors have over 60 years of surgical experience, and our medical director, Dr. Greene, was one of the first surgeons anywhere to perform major pelvic surgery through a mini-laparotomy incision.

Part Two

The second part of the tubal reversal is to rejoin the separated ends of the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes have to be located, released from adhesions that stick them to surrounding structures, trimmed of any scar tissue, and then rejoined with tiny sutures. During this part, magnifying glasses are used to magnify the operative site. The sutures are finer than the finest hair. Great care is taken to be very gentle with your tissues; this minimizes post-op pain and makes a successful pregnancy more likely.

After Your Surgery

You should be fine to travel the day after surgery and able to work 3-4 days later unless you do very heavy physical work. Serious problems are very rare; one doctor has reported doing almost 300 cases with no serious problems. We have never had to transfuse anyone at our center. We have never had to admit anyone to the nearby hospital with complications although we have a transfer agreement if we ever do. All this doesn’t mean you are guaranteed not to have problems; just that it is very unlikely.