Our surgical center is accredited like a hospital is. One of the requirements is that we compare our results to those of similar facilities. The accrediting organization, The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, comes to our center and checks everything from how we protect your privacy to how we make sure the drugs that we use are not out of date.
Comparing results is difficult because few people that do reversals report results, and a lot of what is reported is deceptive. One example is the frequent claim of “98% Success”. When you read the fine print they mean 98% of their patients are operated and reversed, not necessarily pregnant. We have seen results reported where ectopic pregnancies were included as part of their total. An ectopic pregnancy is not a success in any way! If you read the fine print, their ectopic pregnancies are 10-30%. Including their ectopics makes their results look better but it’s deceptive. Because we only do reversals, dye test our patients to make sure they are fixed right, and close the tube in layers, our ectopic rate is only 2 ½ % (this is very low). You can see our success rates on our website broken down by age and the type of tubal ligation that the patient had before coming to us.