Have Questions About Tubal Reversal?

Oct 21, 2019 | General

We recently opened a new way of communicating with patients by their phones and it has been revealing. Until now, most communications have been through our website and those that found us on our website had looked at several other options and decided on us. With the blue bubble on the home page letting patients open up a phone dialog we seem to get a chance to talk to people that have not looked at other sites and they seem to want to why they should come here for their reversal.

The things that make us stand out are simple. Our fees do not have any extras, all lab work, all other charges, even your hotel stay are included. You only come here once, the day before surgery, the next day we reverse your tubes, and we see you briefly the morning of the 3rd day before you go home. We do not charge for your consultation with Dr. Turner or myself. We will talk to you over the phone once we have your application complete.  We dye test your tubes to make sure they are both sewn together and sewn open. The best assets we have is the friendly people in this office who are always glad to answer questions and the goodwill of the patients we have helped.

-Dr. William Greene

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