elizabeth s

Elizabeth S.

Mar 7, 2024

In 2003, at the age of 22, after my son was born I had my tubes tied.  I immediately regretted it.  For years I wanted a reversal and just never had the money.  In April of 2020 I started making mask at the beginning of the pandemic. My Mamaw Maxine had taught me to sew years ago.

Finally I seen my opportunity to have a reversal. I worked sewing sometimes 20 hours a day making mask and would go sit on the side of the road and sell out in 30 minutes to an hour.  Rest for a couple hours then back at sewing.  My older children helped by cutting out the mask and elastic.

In August, just a month shy of my 40th birthday, I had the reversal.  Everything went great.   It took 3 years but in May of 2023 I took a pregnancy test because I was a day late.  Them double lines appeared and I almost fainted.  I was shaking and crying while I called my dr to schedule the blood test.

That first visit you can’t see a heartbeat but the second one it was there.  That tiny little flutter I looked for at every ultrasound.  I was high risk because of my age so I had a lot of ultrasounds and a lot of Dr visits.

At 37 weeks and some days I went into labor and at 12:33 January 7 I gave birth to a beautiful 7lb 6 oz baby girl.  I named her Maxine after my mamaw. Without her teaching me to sew I would never been able to experience this joy again.