Will Removing Essure Eliminates Symptoms?

Sep 29, 2017 | Essure

I have symptoms that I believe are due to my Essures. How do I tell if removal will make them go away?

Bayer, the current manufacturer of Essures has announced that they will no longer be selling them. There is a report that they have spent 413 million dollars defending lawsuits from consumers with these devices. They claim that Essure problems are not the reason for their withdrawal. This announcement will probably cause concern for many women.

The important thing is to make sure that you have not heard about symptoms and have decided that you have those symptoms. Most women do very well with Essures but a minority do not. If you don’t need to have them removed or reversed don’t do it. If you decide that you need them removed do not let anyone talk you into a hysterectomy to remove them.

Common Essure Symptoms

The things that cause women to seek removal: low back pain, bleeding, skin rashes, hair loss, depression, and metallic taste in the mouth can all be due to things other than your Essure. If you never had your symptoms until the devices were put in you that should raise your suspicion that the Essures are at fault.

We have seen some women that did well with their Essures for several years and then developed symptoms. Two things that seem related to the nickel in the Essures are a history of allergy problems with cheap gold jewelry and a metallic taste in the mouth. Most all of the patients who have come to us for Essure removal have noticed immediate and dramatic changes. That having been said, no one should tell you that removal of your Essure devices will make you symptoms go away.

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