I got my tubal ligation when I was 23 years old. I regretted it instantly and had multiple female health issues to the point that at 28, a doctor recommended I have a hysterectomy which I refused. At 35, married to a good man after my last marriage failed, we wanted our own child. We researched multiple facilities and chose Lakeshore based on the price, the testimonials of other women who has used them and the proximity of the location to us.
We met with Dr. Greene and on March 30, 2011, he successfully repaired the biggest mistake of my life. I still remember waking up from surgery and my first words were “I don’t hurt.” That was the first time in 12 years that I could say that. On March 30, 2012, we added tubal reversal baby #1 to our family. Two years later we added Tubal reversal baby #2 though sadly he was stillborn due to my health issues. August 2015, we welcome Tubal Reversal baby #3.
We are currently working on Tubal Reversal Baby #4! All of my female health issues have also disappeared. My cycles are no longer painful, my PMS is NOWHERE near what it was when I was tied. I received blessings of both children and my health all thanks to my surgery and the care of Dr. Greene and the Lakeshore staff!