DATE: April 9, 2019
CATEGORY: Tubal Reversal

When we decided to only do tubal reversals in 2001, we frequently would hear patients say “I really like your website but I would prefer to have my reversal done locally because I have known my doctor for years and he, or she, says they can do it for me.” Patients do better when they are comfortable so I would tell them to go where they feel most comfortable.

Experience Matters

I don’t tell patients this anymore. Experience with over 3,300 tubal reversals has made it clear to me that experience is very important in tubal reversal surgery. We do 2 reversals a day because some require a lot of time to do the best job. Some reversals can best be done by someone who is very experienced. I hope that if you decide on a tubal reversal that you come to Lakeshore Tubal Reversal Center. If you decide to go somewhere else, go to one of the 2 or 3 centers that do a lot of reversals.

Keeping The Cost Down

You should ask the doctor you select how many reversals they have done this month or this year. The operation we do for $6,900 will cost you at least $25,000 in your local hospital. This price differential alone keeps doctors from doing many reversals. There are just not that many people with $25,000 (or more) that want a tubal reversal. When you own your own accredited, licensed surgery center like we do and only do one procedure you can keep the cost down.

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