Board Certified Tubal Reversal Surgeons

There was an article recently in USA Today that points out that 60% of all surgeries are done in same-day surgery centers. This is probably true and a great source of frustration for the hospital industry that has incredible political clout and knows patients prefer...

Have Questions About Tubal Reversal?

We recently opened a new way of communicating with patients by their phones and it has been revealing. Until now, most communications have been through our website and those that found us on our website had looked at several other options and decided on us. With the...

Deciding to have a Tubal Reversal?

Dr. Turner and I have noticed that most of our patients have looked at several facilities before deciding to come to Lakeshore Surgical Center. On one hand, we feel flattered that people pick us over other choices but it has to be hard for patients to understand...